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This just in; Warren Slamon and Lee Anne Lyan are under investigation for corporate fraud in using a corporation's name to raise funds for personal use and gain without a corporate resolution of the corporation. They asked a community charity group to use the logo for a walkathon without the duly registered corporation's consent and have now been advised by the community group to withdraw from all contact with that group as they were misled in a criminal deception offence by Ms. Lyan and Mr. Slamon. The community group has notified the police authorities who have affected the arrests as they do not wish to aid and abet the fraud on the corporation and the deception offence. The corporation confirmed that they were not contacted and not offered any accounting of the funds raised while their name appears on the fund raiser website as an account to which you can contribute although no one has confirmed how much is being raised in the group's name as an alleged project of the community group and nor have they provided the group any accounting. Did they conspire to kill the remaining corporate directors at the Walkathon with innocent members of the public? It is really a non profit group but the name is being used nonetheless with the logo and monies are being raised contrary to their signed consent and permission. In an investigation, it seems the perpetrators have watched and made notes about a tv drama program called Empire and a Lyan family depicted therein. They have treated the registered directors as invisible. Only those without criminal convictions can be corporate directors.

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America is an idea maybe but so is a Toyota and at least the Toyota Works along with the general Asian Culture that Supports Toyota; An essay by Warren A. Lyon. April 23, 2021. An essay by Warren A. Lyon. A subway is an idea and no matter where you travel in the world, there must be some general standard that all subways follow for their accidentally both foreign and local customers so that we feel accepted, proud and validated. The London system is commensurate to the Montreal and the New York system that is commensurate to the system in Washington D.C. and the Paris system is also commensurate in terms of timeliness and efficiency, cleanliness and ease of navigation with sufficient subway information. These expectations could also be used to describe the economy where we say the economic system is validated as worthy to be praised if it satisfies effectively the general purpose of the system. The purpose of a subway in its general idea is efficient, timely, safe, comfortable transport. The purpose of an economy or the purpose of the country simply described in its general idea is the efficient, timely, safe, comfortable economic transport through life and all of life's financial experiences. This is the peace, order and the good government or the life, liberty, health and property...or happiness. This requires policy and policy that must be defended as we defend our very lives. We may require system updates sometimes and assistance from our various foreign stake holders when our economy is under performing and running recessions and we appear to say we don't know why. The reason is that we have not committed to the principle that confirms every citizen has the ability to pay and if they did have the ability to pay, why would there be any recessions or any depressions? We need to stimulate the economy but reducing lending rates below a stipulated figure that is tied to the rate on foreign debt obligations, hoping for domestic economic activity cannot achieve the goal and zero % says that Michael Jackson and George Washington (Sam Adams too) left the building. We could also say it like this. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop concerning rate reduction cannot be a zero rate. I was apparently zero % a week ago. The paper money, the national salaries for administration, drivers (that's me...Drivah!!!), security and cash delivery and the cost of "solver" in the coins carry an actual cost that demands payment with national revenue generating at some rate no less than .5%. It is best, however, to increase consumer activity by increasing consumer buying power, that is consumer demand for goods by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) do not have any money already at the present time so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy; as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity or increase it is a national effort; isn't it ? So, what is the point of a rate reduction if they cannot qualify and nor can they pay? We can pay for a $70,000.00 per year income support with an increase in VAT/sales tax to a more international, responsible 20% to cover the cost of the income support. We can use this sales tax mechanism to increase and decrease consumer activity. Raising sales tax reduces activity. Decreasing the sales tax rate increases the consumer activity(ACTIVITIES); never lower than 20% and never higher than 100%. bosom We can keep discussing Aboriginal emotions nonetheless. You have shown a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. This is not good. It is best to raise the ATP(ability to pay); a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. The banks an the economy itself would prefer a customer who can maintain a loan or make a real cash payment ever so often above and beyond a customer who cannot. They should not think that the income support reduces bank business or that a shortage of income support increases business and loan applications when it does not really increase business when the unpaid loan is unpaid business debt and is a business loan that is a business right off. Also, how do the citizens without income support qualify for the loans? How do they pay the loans? Our financial service systems and processes of mortgage/vivregage and loan qualification need to evolve to match the Automation economy/ primarily income support in an ATP economy. The income support is not a threat to the loan industry. It is the ability to pay the loan. It is essential to the bank's general host economy. This ability to pay is essential bank business. CN Tower.....Say whaaaaaaaat ????? This is shockery!!! Where are the good white people who could manage the economy positively? I need their help. Send a smoke signal. Beat the drum from Gondor. Blow the goat horn. They, the good white people, must have been killed off by the cave man white; but when? We also need to understand America as an experiment and an idea which is now concluded if its still only just an idea after 230 years according to those who are obligated to make it more than an idea. The idea has failed with the evidence borne out in the debacle of quantitative easing. See our more recent article on the topic. This is evidence of a lot of dead intelligent white people who would have prevented this quantitative shenanigan. Quantitative Easing is a policy attempt at economic stimulus by reducing the fed rates to zero %, hoping for more consumer activity. It is a hole in the bucket policy. If it's possible, it says the Federal Reserve does not really exist and is just a Chimera for some other system that requires the maintenance of the actual debt obligations. The American Fed is really just for dornestic emotional consumption; that there might be something hegemonic and American still deciding how to influence the economy but to the detriment of America only; to albeit impeach American integrity. Who is the system architect responsible? You can take care of one little girl. But all your men, Captain, are already dead. A zero % Fed rate says you, the American, with all of your echo bravo bravado forgot about the cost of the paper and the coins and you also forgot about your debt obligations that Carey a higher rate than 0%. So, what should the rate be then today; if we mean our Global partners well? To avoid shock in the lending rates increases to 17%, we should increase the ability to pay to the requisite number of $200,000.00 per year for every North American as set down by the real managers of the economy so there is no shock when the rate rises to the real buck stop number of 17%. If you wanted to stimulate spendings, you give people money instead of hoping people with no money in an already dead horse economy will spend on credit with low interest rates. The next question is how do they pay the bill? So, we resolve to ensure the markets with on-going spending stimulation as this is the cut your nose to spite your face concern. As we ensure the markets, we call this, in the life of the consumer, the ability to pay or the ATP also known as actual, real consumer demand. This manifests as the income support paid to every citizen equally at an amount that sustains their Maslow needs. Money itself is a Maslow need as it is necessary to acquire the other needs now in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs. To show our Authority from day to day affecting the economy and performance, we could play with the fed rates but there has to be a set minimum that covers all debt national obligation and the rate on that debt as well as the general cost of operations with big big bigger huge huge job salaries. Excitingly, we can also tickle the economy by rising and lowering sales tax to influence consumer spending but the sales tax as a key source of revenue cannot be lower than the debt rates. The income support stays generally constant but will increase at 2% per year with the average rate of inflation as delineated by the consumer price index (what is that?). Combines that cause unusually high price increases in markets are called Market Price Abuses that Could cause a general system crises, affecting the standard rate of inflation unusually. We presume that with the phenomenon of white hegemony as an unofficial formality in previous hiring processes also evident and now concluded, we cannot blame the imaginary White House butler (that's me!!!!) for the economy in North America that suffered a relatively seamless foreclosure and European Asian reinvention from 2001 to 2018. The issue was to see if the North American could at least find his own self saving policies that supported the lives of the population and also need for constant regular recession cancelling stimulus and the old black Mammy running a Chicken and Waffles shop in the Carolinas could have balanced this system with good intentions. She is my mother. So, we give up on white presumptuously as being capable of carrying or reciting the answer in America. My white restaurant managers could have solved the economy with good motivation. The bus drivers, white or black, running the subway or most of them could have solved it with good intentions. So, where are the people who could cooperate and write the requisite policy? Never mind; we have policy now that provides sufficient ATP; that is economic stimulus for the Economy. The simple answer was to just extend the Minnesota economy across all of North America; all of North America as Minnesota has one of the higher rates of positive economic performance and is contributing nearly more than 1/10 to national gross domestic product with regular high total full price real revenue vehicle sales. This is also true for Wisconsin while places like Arkansas and Missouri manifest deficits and high Vehicle theft from dealerships also. Click here.

This article is open so you can use read. There is only one type of human being who would hesitate with the answer to an economic stalemate in hand while foreign control of the economy and the domestic citizen's erasure continues subtly but noticeably over time. A Civil War is pointless; Culture and evolution: The Jetsons world vs. the Flintstones World. Who wants a civil war except for a terrorist? We are just here to be a librarian (My third or fourth career as I was once in food services and started at 14 and still find it fun where I might just get into it. But you say food is me and the Flintstones Ukrainian says "gas" is me in some kind of territorialism. ) and ski or take nice photos and what do you do? My photos are on your phone and so is this bible study note but maybe now take your own photos and write your own notes. April 7th, 2022. You can call the right number and make a donation in the method provided. As a Montezuman Japanese Cheddar Egyptian, let us have a chat and get a baseball to play catch. Let us understand an Etam: Etam stands for E-quality T-akes A-M-inute of reflection, regulation. Google ETAM. No doubt, inequality in social services is a tremendous concern for government and it seems it takes only a few moments to notice it, avoid it and resolve. Only a dog tries to break the cupboard open to eat, breaking the cupboard open when the master forgets the dogs' hunger. Humans write policy to answer everyone's hunger. See Frazer v. Canada, SCC (2020) and Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971) involving adverse impact discrimination. The English language economy under British rule in England and Ontario is the only economy that made an odd spectacle of the TRANSGENDER by providing an income support to only transgender individuals. Why doesn't it work? But, everything looks right, good legs, good stacked new, new building, firm and Etam. But, it's not working. It's a gender hate crime and, therefore, an illegality. Also, the economy is not winning for anyone. There is not enough aboriginal Cooperation, not enough Human Cooperation. There is not enough multi generational Cooperation. Egypt, it's Economies and it's laws confirm societal Cooperation. It is elementary. The absence of total income support for all citizens in the UK and North America is some kind of aboriginal intimidation and sabotage of the more settled cultures in the world. Europe suffers the recession. They are the suppliers suffering low and lower sales due to a lack of regular consumer demand. We should not waste the new profit margins opened up by automation with lower wage and manufacturing costs on the slowing economy, the slowing economy as occasioned by unresponsive, recalcitrant government policy that does not respect and respond quickly to the need for a national ensured automatic income support to ensure regular automatic, moneyed demand for automatic, robotic supply of goods. The corporations are selling nationally and not just in Vermont and not just to transgender individuals. The income support is applied partially in the UK to only transgender citizens and not to the whole population. Everyone has a male, female and a transgender individual in their families. But, then let us enjoy our society and our families with mutually beneficial policies. Otherwise, it is illegal indirect gender discrimination in government policy. See also indirect discrimination in Essop and others v Home Office (UK Border Agency) [2017] UKSC 27 the Supreme Court, overturning a decision of the Court of Appeal (and the original employment tribunal) has held that indirect discrimination concerns provisions, criteria or practices (PCPs) which have disparate impact on those with one set of characteristics, by comparison with those who lack those characteristics. Differing from the Court of Appeal, the Court held that the reasons why they have that disparate impact is relevant only to the question of justification. The case, however, confirms that indirect discrimination of any kind is wrong. Would you say it would be alright for only militant TRANSGENDER school children to receive pens and papers from the school? What about TRANSGENDER only citizens from the school age of 14 who are not disabled receiving a cash benefit that is not received by the other two genders; males and females? If you were trying to adopt cave men into Civilization, is it not best to provide them the monies necessary to wash the body, buy the custards, pay the rents and apply the Bryl cream and be assimilated since do you not know that the body is the temple of the living God? This is powerful. Would it be powerful for a French emperor named NAPOLEON or a German Emperor named Hitler to try to march on Russia? Look at Russia. I think it was just a confirmation of wild anthropology and the world does not need to see this again. Why would you kill your army marching on Russia? Whether it's a powerful F15 fighter jet or the income support policy (also powerful), the question is your intentions. Maybe hatred and ignorance are also powerful economic forces that carry intention. You ask yourself why are you reading this. David was successful as a Leader as he borrowed the well settled answers from Egypt involving economies. His Egyptian wives, when they would sit at table with him, reminded him about the income support disbursements to the people. Your policies can defend your people or destroy them. Your F15 can defend the population or fail to defend them maybe attack your own population. Genocide can be visited on a population by an F15 carrying biological weapons or genocide can be visited on a population by a government that uses policies to starve the populations of requisite income support monies(requisite in an automation economy and all economies are ongoing automation economies dating back to Egypt), water or electricity. F15's are designed to defend the nation and economic policies are designed to defend the nation with its entire population. You must have really had the feeling in your and up your "OOPS!" at the American car dealership when people with little regular money may have been honest about what they could afford to buy and then also maintain as a vehicle. Toyota arrived in America not to teach you or save you but to make money whether your income support culture is normal or abnormal for modern humans. You can still buy a GM product today in Vermont or Illinois or in the south and you have to pay. It is just that Toyota endures automation because it is committed to automation when American manufacturing was not committed and nor was the economy set on a commitment to total income support; to provide total demand for American vehicles that were built for national demand and not just demand in the Eastern seaboard where they had an income support vs. in mountain regions or the mid-west where they did not have such an income support. It was not until 1976 that Illinois had such a regular support and it was 1980 when Minnesota joined a total state wide support for evert citizen. So, you are burning the candle in North American manufacturing at both ends when you are spending more than your competition to build vehicle and maybe your subsidies dried up in government cutbacks and your die hard American car buyer with no income support to provide demand for your American goods has to choose to feed his children vs. his Americentric loyalty and will eventually choose what gets him to work reliably with what ever work there is left and so then the American car manufacturing plant has Toyotas parked on the property or a block or two away for fear of being told you are not loyal enough to the company; to the buy America program but at least the car works and you know as a car worker what you did to the American engine with your hands in manual assembly when the company did not give you that raise you needed to make your Japanese car payments for your more reliable ride to work in a car built by automation. The issue is that the American car manufacturer was dependent on America(its key market) for revenue and also the US government for regular government subsidies but only 1/3 of that US market had income support funding among the car buying population for regular buyer demand; before you get into the issue of product reliability and Durability in product competition. The soft sales nationally was an open door, a supply and demand gap on the graph, an opening to more efficient competitors who used more automation and who also produced more reliable vehicles that were likely to catch on at the top end and bottom price end of the car buying market; any why did American car companies pretend that a carbureted engine was fuel injected? Why did the Germans not get into the hybrid engine design as soon as they saw their Asian competitors do this or make it the standard engine format? Its a small engine variation but it maintains market share. Why is it that this debate about national, all citizen, income support continues only in the English speaking economies? It is winter, so I am wearing my Wampanoag boots and I have my Vermont Income support. What about you in Kansas.. Are you covered? What about you in England or in that other territory run by the English? The patch work approach to income support frustrates GDP growth and strategy. It frustrates national sales figures for companies that produce and sell nationally. When we look at how this problem with income support is really an English problem that is now a German or Asian problem when they are the key producers of finished goods sold in the English and western world, we see that it is a collision of cultures where you might also ask why the English have an informal income support policy and an informal sales tax policy at the moment when Europe has a formal policy on these issues and so does the Ukraine and Russia. It is a collision of cultures and it may have been a collision once in food and wine cultures that was resolved in the ethic of Leviticus. So, it seems these collisions may have played this out to the break up of the Roman empire with an Eastern and Western empire that collided in France it seems just as WW1 and WW2 confirm such a collision when the English in the Western part of of the Roman empire were under a mutiny in the death of the real Hadrian and the rise of a pretender who built a small little wall as some line of demarcation but he was not the real Hadrian but maybe someone who decided to arm, unify and train the English Cheddar and assimilate them since England is nice; you see!! It is just that the messages sent to and from Rome and an unwillingness to return or respond to requests to return confirm that the general was either dead or in his own mutiny, forming his own empire. But, power failures, water failures and money failures are temporary in spite of all the terrorism or divisiveness or mutinous intention. Hadrian the pretender emperor did not pay the disbursements since he said they have enough fish and rabbit but they made some coins; except in not paying the disbursement there was insufficient commerce and therefore insufficient tribute collected for Rome that was not paid. So, the real Romans who had not bowed to Hadrian were asked to take his potty contents back to Rome and they made a child that was raised as Herod who was placed in Syria to be the King of Israel and at the hour of testing, he did call on Rome to help him take Israel. Herod, with the aid of the Roman general Gaius Sosius(that may also be known as Pompey) took Jerusalem in 33 BCE and his time with Christ was really time with an indirect tutor as Herod was really left to walk, move and tell us what he would do if given the chance and was not sent to Rabbi School or any school but had understood that he was presumptuously the authority and he moved accordingly but he hope we don't have to see how he would (Chinlua) kill us by 12 years old if he was not in school. Herod also stole the disbursements while verifed in Israel as the progeny of Hadrian so the Romans confirmed their case. The real Hadrian, a trusted pro counsel, would not have done these things. Hadrian was murdered in a rebellion and impersonated will they know its not really him? You say, "...My aboriginal dignity needs to preserve some sense of independence; a determination." But, why would it be about the money? If its about independence, then maybe you accept a full income support payment and implement it and then maybe you allow fishing without a license or toplessness from 1 am to 3 am at night just to feel your independence and your challenge of informality or indigenousness or Americanness vs. Europe and the received laws. Click here.